Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring trip to the Lake

Made it to the lake! This is our first trip since January. On the trip out we did a bit of geocaching. Found 2 out of the three we looked for. If you’re interested in finding out about geocaching you can check out or you can go to Wikipedia: I have been geocaching since January.

I mentioned below that I dislike mice, well I just hate mice. Opened the shed and 4 of my five traps held a mouse and the 5th held a shrew. I put on the rubber gloves and emptied the vermin into a bag and reset the traps for the next crop.

There was no snow left. I was worried about water this year, but my gutters and dirt moving did the trick and there were no wet floors to greet me this year. The power company had been out and cut down some trees on the power line right-a-way. I was bummed out when Jo pointed out that the best producing choke cherry tree had been cut down.

A woodpecker had been pecking a hole in my nice pine in front of the cabin. I will have to check out how to keep the woodpecker at bay.

Opened H’s cabin and took a quick look, everything was okie dokie inside. There was a broken down spout that I put back up. The outhouse was ready for use (no rodents).

The Boats made it through the winter with the tarps intact. The last 2 years my pontoon tarp has ripped under the weight of the ice and snow. Here's a picture from last winter.

The neighbors to the north were back from Arizona and B & G are in Florida. Stopped at the Shooting Star and left with more money than we came with so that was good. The drive home from Erskine to GF was pretty foggy. I had to drive about 50 mph on hwy 2.

Here's the view of the lake from the deck. A bit foggy on the ice.

Another view of the cutting.

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