Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Up North

We spent last weekend up at Jo's hometown visiting.

Happy nephew Reese.

We cooked a turkey on Sunday. Deep Fried of course.

After lunch all the boys headed out to the farm. Jo and I went to pick up Hayden and Reese and we ran into them in riding in the combine. They were on the way to a field North of the farm to harvest some wheat. It was at 20% moisture.

Look at the smiling faces!

We followed them out to the field and picked them up. Of course once we got to the farm we ended up running some equipment over the where the harvest was going on. You can always count on the kids having fun with farm equipment. Just wait until they get older and it turns to work and see if they keep smiling!

Lining up the header on the second combine.

I got to drive the ambulance that was used to pull the header. Tried to get the siren to work, but couldn't figure out the switches.

Here comes the grain cart.

Jo and Reese

Closeup of the cart.

Old pump.

Here is an old rail that is used to scratch the gravel to dry it out. It says Great Northern Rail Road 1897.

Jo and the boys.


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