Monday, November 23, 2009

IMac ect...

I've been a bit slow on the post's this month. Not much exciting going on. We have been up to Langdon a few more times.

Missed deer hunting (but I was with my dear) for the first time since George H. Bush required my services for the first Gulf War. The closest I got to any action was when we were cruising on the surface in the Gulf of Thailand and I got to stand topside on Pirate watch. I'm not sure how a pirate would take over a Submarine.

Dad had some skin cancer (the good kind they called it) removed from his forehead last week.

I picked up a new IMac computer on Saturday. Got home and set it up only to discover that the screen was cracked. Talk about a bummer. Took it back to the Bookstore and will have to wait a week or so for a new one.

I'll have to look for some photos to post later.

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